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Kamis, 25 April 2013


I.          Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d !
1.    Ali always helps his father every morning before school. He is a … boy.
a.   diligent                b. lazy                          c. stupid                       d. beautiful
2.    Your never do something everyday. You always sleep on the bed. We must say ….
a.   what a clever you !                                c. what a lazy you !
b.   what a diligent you !                               d. what a smart you !
3.    A buffalo is …. than a goat.
a.   big                      b. bigger                      c. more big                  d. biggest
4.    Our grandfather is …. than our father.
a.   younger              b. smaller                    c. oldest                       d. older
5.    …… go to the cold waterfall !
a.   may                    b. will                           c. let’s                          d. could
6.    There are tourists …. in the beach.
a.   drink                   b. eat                           c. read                         d. swim
7.    “all right” in Indonesian is …
a.   yakinlah             b. baiklah                     c. tentu                                    d. maaf
8.    Don’t hunt animals in the …. !
a.   sea                     b. lake                         c. river                         d. forest
9.    A : here are some bread for you !
B : …..
a.   you’re welcome                                     c. of course
b.   all right                                                   d. thank you
10.  There are orange juice, coffe, ice tea in the …
a.   canteen              b. school                      c. room                        d. mosque

11.  The students have breakfast in the canteen when having …
a.   study                  b. break time               c. do sport                   d. do prayer
12.  Faridz likes “omelet”. Omelet means ….
a.   sate                    b. bakso                      c. telur dadar               d. roti
13.  A place is for studying the student is named ….
a.   the school          b. the hospital              c. the market               d. the hall
14.  We perform prayer in the ….
a.   hall                     b. supermarket                        c. mosque                   d. clinic
15.  Could you show me …. The museum is ?
a.   what                   b. when                       c. who                         d. where
16.  The library is beside the school.
Perpustakaan ada ….. sekolah.
a.   didalam              b. disamping                c. dibelakang               d. diatas

                       It is ….. past seven
a. a half                    b. a quarter                  c. ten                           d. seven
18.                         The studying English will begin at seven …
a. A half                   b. a quarter                  c. o’clock                     d. past
19.                         The student do sport at a half …. Eight.
a. o’clock                     b. to                 c. a half                       d. past
20.  Nisa biasanya makan siang di rumah.
Nisa …… has lunch in the house.
a.   always                b. seldom                    c. usually                     d. rarely
                     It is ….

a.   nineteen ninety four                               c. nineteen ninety four
b.   nineteen ninety six                                 d. nineteen ninety nine

July 4 th
22.                            I was born on July ….

a.   the first               b. the second              c. the third                   d. the fourth
23.  A ….. is for boiling water.
a.   frying pan           b. napkin                     c. pan                          d. spoon
24.  A baby likes to drink a … of milk.
a.   spoon                 b. glass                        c. fork                          d. plate
25.  The colour of jasmine is …..
a.   white                  b. blue                         c. orange                     d. pink

II.         Fill the blanks correctly !
1.    You can speak English clearly. We can say : what a ….. you !
2.    Borobudur ….. is located in Magelang.
3.    Kuta beach is very ….

4.    A : this cake is for you.
B : thank you.
A : …..
5.    We buy donuts in the ….
6.    A doctor works in the …..
                   It is … past nine.

                   It is …..

August 1 st
9.                               It is ….

10.  My father needs a … rice.
III.        Answer the question !
Translate into English !
1.    Mari kita pergi ke laut.
2.    Maukah kamu tunjukkan padaku dimana pasar itu ?
3.    Pukul 11.15.
Translate into Indonesian !
4.    I like sun flower.
5.    A napkin is for drying hand.


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Copyraigh @Kang Herman 2011.Indonesia

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